Select Extended Plans For Bigger Discounts
- Public App Store
- $19
per month
$99 One-Time Setup Fee - *Google Play
*Customer Provides Google Play Acct. ($25) - SEO App Linking
- App Menu Ribbon
- Unlimited Push Notifications
- Push Log
- Smart Web to App Synchonization
- Product Tour
- All Features
Email Support
Chat Support
- Enterprise / Multi-Tenant
- Contact Us
- *Google Play
*Customer Provides Google Play Acct. ($25) - SEO App Linking
- App Menu Ribbon
- Unlimited Push Notifications
- Push Log
- Smart Web to App Synchonization
- Multi Tenant
- All Features
Email Support
Chat Support- Multi-Tenant
- Private App Store Option
- High Volume User Base
- 5 Star Phone Support
- Dedicated Tech Support
Do I need a website to create a mobile app?
Yes. AppNotch needs a mobile-friendly or a responsive website to create a mobile app.
Do I need technical skills to create my mobile app?
None at all. As long as you’re able to do perform simple computer operations you’ll do fine.
Will my card be charged today?
We do not ask for payment info for the Trial Account, which is free for the first 30 days. When you upgrade to the App Publisher Account you provide payment information and your card will be charged.
Is there a limitation on the number of times my mobile app can be downloaded?
No. The sky’s the limit. Spread your app URL to as many people as you want and you won’t incur any additional fees, whatsoever. More marketing power to your business! AppNotch Idea Center
Can I change my subscription plan from monthly to annual after I have activated?
Yes. Please contact us at if you’d like to change yours.
Do you offer refunds?
Yes. If you signed up for the App Publisher Account and we’re unable to publish your mobile app on your preferred app store(s) within 30 days, we’ll automatically refund your app setup fee in full.
How does the free trial work?
When you sign up for the Trial Account you get unlimited use of the AppNotch app builder for 30 days. At the end of the 30 days you can upgrade to the App Publisher Account. if you aren’t satisfied with AppNotch, you can cancel the Trial Account.
How many mobile apps can I create?
Whether you sign up for the Trial Account or the App Publisher Account you can create one app per account.
What types of payments do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and PayPal.