Distributors &
Agents &
Shop Owners &
SaaS Providers &
- We’ve added Analytics so that you can view the number of users that have downloaded the App, visited their App, and shared their App.
- Tenants can view their individual Analytics.
- Corporate can view the Analytics of all Tenants to show the overall downloads and effectiveness of the App.
Push Notifications
- Push notifications are unlimited.
- Corporate App Push notices are sent to all individuals that have downloaded any tenant app.
- Tenant push notices are sent only to the app downloads of that specific tenant.
App Dashboard
- The App Dashboard is where the Corporate App or individual Tenant App features and processes can be managed.
- You can use the Edit, Push, and Share/Promote functions to customize and make full use of your app.
- A custom-branded mobile app will help you engage your customers.
- Your brand icon will reside on your customer’s phone and your custom-branded ‘splash’ screen will reinforce your image each time the Tenant App is opened.
App Download
- The customer’s download experience of the Tenant App will be the familiar process they have in the Apple iTunes and Google Play Store.
- A private App store option that may be applicable for your business needs is also provided.
App Promotion & Share
- The Tenant App can be conveniently shared with family, friends, and customers either directly from the Tenant App or within the Tenant Dashboard.
- Customers in turn can easily share the app with others.